“A Prayer For Faithfulness To Christ”

September 13, 2011

Praying manFather, You’ve appointed us to live in a decadent age where the hearts of men are turned away from the true living God and live instead by the world’s principles. But we who have the indwelling Holy Spirit must continue to build our lives on the foundation of our holy faith as we spread the gospel message, “Jesus is the first and final answer to all of life’s problems.” We seek to be directed by Your Spirit and live in such a way that we honor You even as scoffers ridicule us. May we show mercy to those whose faith is wavering and rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. In the process of daily living, as we reach out to the lost and dying, help us not to stumble so that on Your appointed day we will be brought into Your glorious presence innocent of sin.

(Prayer prompted by Jude 22,23)