Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

“A Prayer For Spiritual Orientation”

May 10, 2024

Jesus, You are the Solid Rock that keeps us anchored in this vast landscape of shifting sands. Our unfading hope is secured in Your finished work on the cross and our guide map is the inspired Holy Scriptures that make us wise unto salvation. Help us to resist the temptation to look at anything the god of this age offers seeking to blind the minds of unbelievers. Instead we steadfastly follow Your clearly prescribed plan for living a life that pleases You. We offer to You our lives as living sacrifices. May they be holy and pleasing to You. Amen.

“A Prayer For Obedience”

May 7, 2024

Father, You have placed authority figures in our lives from birth to our final days on earth. Some bless us greatly while others challenge us fiercely. In areas where You have given us the privilege of being an authority figure may we be responsible role models, for we know it is not just the talk that people hear, but the walk that people see.  As we are called to submit to our family, spiritual leaders, employer, and governmental leaders may we do so with cheerfulness so that we are a blessing rather than a grievous burden. But when those to whom we submit conflict with Your supreme authority we pray for conviction and courage to stand for righteousness in obedience to Your commands, for we must obey God rather than men.  We pray for the fortitude to lovingly carry this out in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

“A Prayer For Living In God’s Wisdom”

May 6, 2024

Father, when I gave you my heart, I made the willful choice to no longer conform to the trends and philosophies of this world.  Instead I ask You to daily renew my mind so that I see this world and its philosophies through the eyes of Christ testing daily what is truth from what is error, for I want to know what Your will is for my life, Your good, pleasing and perfect will. May Scripture always be our reference point and Your Spirit be our Guide as we are exposed to countless philosophies based on human understanding and the basic principles of this world rather than Your eternal, foundational truths. Sharpen our discernment and grant us courage so that we readily know truth from error and are fearless in saying so. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

“A Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Care”

May 3, 2024

Father, You care for me just as the shepherd cares for his lamb. You provide for all my needs. You restore my soul by Your refreshing Word and guide me in making the right choices that bring honor to Your name. When my soul is troubled or overshadowed by the wrenching pain of loss Your peace replaces my fear. Knowing that Your presence is with me at all times helps me to face the future. You have poured Your cup of goodness and mercy into my life. Your supply of goodness and mercy is overflowing, abundant and unending. Just as Your goodness overflows to me and those I care for, may my praise overflow in thanksgiving to You as I declare “How great is my God”! Amen.

“A Prayer For The Nation”

May 2, 2024

Father, we thank You for Your continued mercies to our land because You are a loving, forgiving God. You have called on us, Your children, to be a people of prayer, devotion, with denial of self. We pray for our people to repent of neglect and defiance of Your holy commands. In the name of Jesus we come against the powers of darkness that seek to engulf the light of Your salvation that brings help, hope, and forgiveness to sin sick souls and secures their eternal dwelling in heaven. Help us not to grow weary in our intercession, for we want to be faithful in prayer so that, at a future date, we will witness the harvest of souls. We pray for Your will to be accomplished in the name of Jesus. Amen.

“A Prayer For Being Faithful”

May 1, 2024

Father, may my life be marked by faithfulness and integrity. I know that these character traits are not developed over a short period of time but over the duration of my life, most especially during the challenging times. Obedience does bring blessing and it also brings eternal reward. Help me not to become weary in doing good, for at the proper time that You have ordained, I will reap a harvest if I do not give up. Help me to practice the small steadiness of every day. Amen.

“A Prayer To Our Ever Present Helper”

April 30, 2024

Father, when times are tough, if we fully rely on You, we find that You are enough to get us through that which would otherwise overwhelm us.  You are our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth give way and the mountains be cast into the sea. You are Creator of the universe, Creator of our human existence and You are in control of all that concerns us. We trust You for that which distresses us including those whom You have placed in our care. We must go through many hardships to enter Your kingdom, but You go before us, prepare the way and sustain us during the journey. Help us to plod on and pray every step of the way. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

“A Prayer As We Wait For The Blessed Hope”

April 29, 2024

Father, I greatly anticipate the supernatural return of Your beloved Son at the sound of the trumpet call. Help me not to grow weary in the wait but remain vigilant in my Christian journey no matter the travail along the way. May I be found spotless, blameless and at peace with You as I seek to live a holy and godly life in this present age. Knowing of my deficiencies and failings, even as I pursue a godly lifestyle, I find great consolation in the tender mercies of a loving God who welcomes me to a new heaven and new earth. It is at this great transition that the battle of flesh vs. spirit finally ends and we will be fully righteous because of the great sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who died for us. Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus, come!

“A Prayer For God’s Chosen People”

April 27, 2024

Father, as we read through the Old Testament book after book, chapter after chapter we read of numerous leaders including two women that You raised up to be rescuers of the Israelites who got into trouble time after time, most often after their hearts wandered off to other idols instead of the one true God. But the people of Israel are Your chosen possession, out of all the people on the face of the earth, so You intervened time and time again to save them from their own self-imposed demise. Today we come against their enemies, those such as Hamas and other proxies who are determined to make the Jews extinct. Because they are Your chosen people we pray that they will not only be people who follow the God of the Old Testament but follow God incarnate through the person of Jesus Christ revealed to us in the New Testament. May they come to know, accept and love Him as their Messiah and personal Savior. Just as You raised up men and women in the Old Testament period to rescue the Israelites from extinction, You raised up a Rescuer through Your Son Jesus to rescue the Jews and all peoples groups from eternal damnation and instead provide eternal life. Amen.

“A Prayer For Peace”

April 25, 2024

Father, today we pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the entire country of Israel. We pray for peace in the Middle East and in our world. We pray that many will this day receive the Prince of Peace, Jesus, as their Messiah.  For when the roll is called up yonder we will see those from every tribe and nation, all peoples and languages, standing together as one united in the name of Christ shouting out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God forever and ever! Amen.”

Revelation 7