“A Prayer During The Coronavirus Crisis”

March 31, 2020

Father, love in any language straight from the heart pulls us all together, never apart. Sometimes our language is not spoken with words but is heard or seen through the acts of kindness we extend to others, especially those who least expect it. Instead of feeling that we are deprived of our freedoms during this most critical health crisis, show us ways we can be creative in our expressions of love and care to those who need it most.

Above all, call to our minds daily those in need of our prayer support such as our governmental authorities, our first responders, the massive numbers of health care workers, those who are managing the hospitals, both temporary and permanent structures and for those who are dealing with the public in various settings. Provide the necessary equipment for protective gear as well as therapeutic treatments for those with the virus and testing for those who are ill. Bring comfort and guidance to those who have lost loved ones due to this insidious virus and above all bring about a mighty revival of salvation to our country and throughout our world. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.