“A Prayer For Neighbors”

April 22, 2024

Father, You bless us daily by Your multitude of provisions – the air we breathe, the blue skies, the sunshine, the rain and the clouds, the grass at our feet, our home, our families, our Christian brothers and sisters all over the world, and our neighbors beside us, across from us and up the road from us. We thank you for those who make a positive difference in our lives and we pray that we also will make a positive contribution to their lives. For those who are unfriendly or hard to get along with we pray for them, that we would not speak badly of them or avoid them but show us ways that we might influence them for the good and even be an example to them of what it is to be a good neighbor, for You tell us “Love your neighbor as yourself.” That’s not a simple command, but with Your help we will carry it out and spread the same kind of love we have for ourselves to those around us. Help us to do so we pray, in the name of Jesus. Amen.