Posts Tagged ‘New Year’

“A Prayer For Abiding Joy”

December 28, 2011

Praying woman Father, we’re reminded by Habakkuk that our deep abiding joy is not derived from abundance in provisions nor even the people in our life. But rather our joy comes from You as we choose to rejoice in You, whether or not our pantry is overflowing. We rejoice in knowing that You are our strength who enables us to descend the rigorous, steep terrain. When we reach the height of the mountain we can look back at the disappointments and hardships we climbed through as You made our feet sure-footed like those of a deer. Keep us steadily faithful through the climb as we once again affirm our faith in You, Sovereign Lord, and rejoice in the work You are accomplishing in our lives. In the name of Jesus we pray.  Amen.

“A Prayer For Faithful Service”

November 4, 2011

Praying man Father, as we faithfully serve You it is not for our fulfillment but for the fulfillment of the Great Commission that the Gospel message be delivered at home and abroad to the outermost parts of the earth. No matter our Christian service, whether great or small, when it is offered in Your name it brings reward, often visible here and now but at times unseen by the human eye. Help us to go forth in confidence and walk in obedience as we seek to glorify Your name. Amen.

“A Prayer For The New Year”

January 3, 2011

Thankful manFather, You know our heart and You are familiar with all our ways.  You endure our childish expectations but desire that we grow in our trust toward You by turning all our affairs over to You.  There are things we’ve been praying about, not just in 2010, but for many years.  Just because we’re filling out a new calendar doesn’t assure us that everything unpleasant will go away, that all will be new and better. Trials will inevitably work themselves into our schedule, without our choosing the nature of the trial or its debut.  In this new year we reaffirm our commitment to follow You wholeheartedly, trust You implicitly, and serve You zealously.  In the name of Jesus we praise You and thank You for this new year that is dawning in our lives.  Amen.

“A New Year’s Prayer

January 1, 2010

Father, help us to keep a Biblical perspective as  we consider the brief duration of our life on this earth in light of eternity. Our lives are not meaningless nor are they insignificant for we acknowledge that You have brought purpose to our lives. It will take us a lifetime on this earth to fully experience and understand Your purpose, but we do seek to trust and obey You so that we know Your plan and so that we honor You.  Amen.